View Profile Sanchez150894
uhm... if you have questions about me just Pm me ^^

Shin @Sanchez150894

Age 30, Male


Marburg University

behinda ya' :3

Joined on 5/16/07

Exp Points:
10,400 / 10,670
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Vote Power:
7.26 votes
Art Scouts
Sgt. Major
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Hawt damn, you should be dead right now!
And Latin seems boring. It's like Esperanto. Except more boring.
Don't take over 9000 days to get back on like some people I know.

Tehe, don't worry. It'll take lots more to get me killed than some cuts and some burns :3
Well, at least you still can SPEAK Spanish and it's still a language being used in various countries. Latin however, is a DEAD language. You don't really see anything completely written in Latin all day and you can't really speak it since it is THAT difficult...
Nah, I have the special ability to entertain myself most time (drawing in excercise books, on tables, in the neighbor's excercise books XD) ^^
Bye :3

That's why you haven't responded to my PM..... Well, try to get back soon, alright? I NEED MAH COLORIST! I'll put some stuff up, and I can color it for now, but promise to start coloring for me again soon, alright?

Sure! I'll try as hard as I can ^^
But don't get too much requests/stuff! I'm just a human, too, y'know? :3
Kinda' starts annoying me -.- I mean I still have pretty much other stuff to be done. (sorry for getting angreh, but I had to say that)

Haha, sorry 'bout that! Despite fears, we actually have very few request that need to be done. There's only a few more, and I've been too lazy to draw them. :3 Plus, there's no pressure on my designs, like I said. Just do them on your own time. If you want, I'll close shop for a while to let you get sorted out. I DO have a heart, ya know. :3

Technically, Latin IS still used, but only in a few countries. Now, Attic Greek, THAT'S a dead language.

no problem...
I completely believe that you've got a heart. I mean you're a pretty nice guy but sometimes a bit impatient :3

yeah, you're right... but only in very few countries
I heard that Greek's also even way more difficult than latin D:

Ohay. Now I dunno.
But I updated my post. Again.

okizzay! I'll go see it ^^

Ekim's being an uneducated imbecile.
You should see his, er... "Comebacks".

omfg -.-' he still can't learn his lessons now, does he?

Yo. I dunno.
How's things?

nice ^^ how about you? Everything positive? :3

im not ekim's alt.
im starting to pity the little 10 year old

oh ok. Sry! XD

^ I feel nothing but immense hatred with a fervor for that uneducated fuck.

I once felt a bit pity for him, but after he revealed his racist side I started to hate him >:(

Hello, sir!
You are acquainted with my sister, yes?

Heya! ^^
yupp! :3 I also wanted to post something on your page about the intawebz (synonym for internet I like to use) but I saw that everything important has already been written by the others XD
So I hope you'll have fun uh... "learning to internet" (is that how your sis' called it?) :3
Also please say hi to your sis' from me! Thanks! ^^

You seem to have a deep hatred of the Ekim child, no?
Judging from your comments, that seems accurate.

yupp... but I tried to see some positive things from his personality and to "unsee" the bad things he has been doing, but since he showed his racist and discriminating side I started to feel such a strong hate for him like I do it for nobody else! Racism and discrimination are the most evil and worst things on earth. They've already caused a lot of battles and wars, too.
Besides he threatened to killl your sis', ZeroInsanity, to rape her, to track her down, to slaughter her and many, many different ugly things, too...
Men/Boys, who try to insult, frighten or terrorize women/girls are nothing than a pile of nothingness, trying to hide their own real weakness and despair. They act like heroes, big strong men and similar, but once it gets serious, once you confront them with real threats and once YOU threaten THEM while facing them in real life, all their imaginary might, power and self-confidence will vanish, leaving behind only a pile of pathetic cry-baby, trying to espace from the worst...

So yeah, I kinda' hate Ekim and everyone like him XD
But you and your sisters are awesome! :3 Uh, might I ask you if you're older or younger than ZI? It's okay if not ^^

To respond in her stead, ZP and I are both 14.
ZeroPsychosis (unsure if you've met her yet) is a 17 year old lunatic, hell-bent on maintaining badass status.
Which she does offline, since blood and organs don't fly online.

And yeah. So how's life?

tehehe, nice you're back! :3
Oh... I thought you were 15 XD
Yupp, I've seen her User Page already. She seems pretty uh... unsual. But I guess she's nice, too since you both are ^^

It's been pretty shitty -.- That's why I haven't been online here a few days, too. Also: I've cut my index finger while building a Gundam model with a huge swiss army knife blade... I'm sure it's gonna' look like some kinda' dent after it heals (bleeding soaked 2 plasters in the first 3 minutes)