View Profile Sanchez150894
uhm... if you have questions about me just Pm me ^^

Shin @Sanchez150894

Age 30, Male


Marburg University

behinda ya' :3

Joined on 5/16/07

Exp Points:
10,400 / 10,670
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7.26 votes
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Sgt. Major
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What's that, are you saying I'm not charming? I'd call that "unconventionally stylish" if I do say so myself, mm hm.

(Also disregard that it took me two weeks to remember to reply. Derp.)

Alright, hey there, Sanchez! So, let's see, what to say? I'm another one of ZI's buttmonkeys, as you may have noticed. I know her because she was the first person to ever post on my userpage. Go figure. You say that you live in Germany, and I dig that; I think that's pretty cool and I don't know why you think that's so unbelievable. As for me, I live in the US since I'm boring like that. I'm 17 years old, male, and enjoy candlelight dinners and long walks on the beach. Oh yes, and I'm also Asian. High-five! Obviously, "fourinone" isn't my real name, because that would just be silly. What you may not have noticed though is that "fourinone" is a homophone for "foreign one". So there's a little tidbit for you.

That's it for now, I guess. Glad to have exchanged greetings, man!

Haha, alright, though I doubt the time difference between two countries can be two weeks long, unless the earth rotates a lot more slowly in Germany or something silly like that.

Anyways, I fail to see how "someone on the internet living in Germany" is so hard to believe. I actually know another German guy online; he's a fellow moderator of mine on some site, a kickass programmer, and a pretty cool guy in general.

"The land of unlimited opportunities and where you can find endless happiness"? Okay, you're giving us too much credit. That's pretty much the candy-coated idealistic view. See, said "unlimited opportunities" gives way to a land where the morons run rampant and religitards are so hung up in their view that it's cringeworthy. How very patriotic of me! (But yeah, I guess that's not exactly the case; there are some good things as well. Anyways, I'll stop talking about this now since I think people are going to get butthurt about it or something.) And yeah, despite what I just said, living in the US is actually pretty okay.

Isn't ZI also Asian? Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought I saw that once...

Man, it feels weird to respond by section, where each part pretty much has no segue into the next. But eh.

I am a woman.

Oh you're back? How are ya'? Are things going well for ya'? How's school life progressing? :3


asians rule :3

Dude, get out of your gutenschwager and say something.

sorry, I haven't looked on my userpage for a time as there's almost nothing going on here ^^''

yeah, about 80% of that time is simply due to their lazyness -.-

me, too... I mean Germany is a real country with a decent international activity (including the www)...

oh, okay... I've heard about some stupid things, but I didn't expect those morons to be so dumb.
If you wanna know how life is in Germany, it isn't really interesting... there are almost no people on the streets (especially on weekends) and there are really few public places where you can do some fun stuff. But the nice things are that it is really calm and peaceful here and that there is plenty of plants and forests here.

yupp, she is.

uh... yeah... kinda' so maybe we should agree on whose page we should continue all further postings :3

Nothing new at all?

yupp... I've got almost no time left for things I'd like to do because:
- of the exams every week (at least 1 per week)
- the three books we have to read through in only two weeks from this one on
- lots of private lessons I gotta' give to my friends as they just don't pay attetion in the regular school lessons -.-

also I've got the feeling that two or three girls of my grade are kinda' stalking me...

"btw: what do you mean with "gutenschwager"? usually it's a german family name..."
Yeah, I dunno, I was just trying to pull a random German word out of my ass.

Oh yeah, I don't know if I was feeling especially pissed that day or what, but when I was talking about the US back then, I guess I made it out to be worse than it really is. I guess it's more accurate to say that the range of intelligence in the US is greater; we have complete idiots, and then we have some really smart people. It's just that the idiots are louder. Germany sounds really nice, though.

All further postings go wherever the heck we want.

Three girls are stalking you = nothing is going on? Wut. Write about your unwanted harem already.

oh, okay...

I could've imagined that XD well... Germany is full of idiots, too, but the government and laws are keeping them quiet and under control. But it is as I already said pretty peaceful here. you either live in harmony with the others or they just leave you alone :3

okay XD

uhm... well... In Germany we have classes from grades 1-4 and 5-10 in which you'll stay with the same people for the rest of the time till it ends. now that I became a 11th grade this year, the old classes were split up into the subject specific courses, kinda' like in America. And that's why some girls came closer to me so they could stalk me better (one already started stalking me in the 7th grade...). and guess what... I kinda' have the feeling that I'm getting closer to that one girl who started stalking me in the 7th grade... I don't know if it's good or bad -.-'
Luckily they're not any of those bitches who can easily get on your nerves...

>girls stalking you


nah, I'm not one of those. if it comes to girls, I'm a real gentleman... and I'm really shy towards girls in real life -.-' fail?

So...did you get some yet?

Heh, I just noticed...today is 10/10/10. Woo.

no, not yet... and I don't think that I'll go for that though. It just doesn't feel alright to abuse the situation to get laid...

yupp... someone who gets born on that date has a pretty unique birthdate, eh :3

Still 10/10/10 as I write.

And I know you're a gentleman. You give off a timid vibe in your writing with me, son.
But congratulations. Nice job.

I don't get the post time descriptions... it says that I responded to your post earlier than you could've posted it... meh...

really? meh, sometimes I wish I would be a little bit less shy -.-'
thx ^^ but I still don't know if I should be happy or scared about it

Heh, don't worry, man, I'm also a spineless coward in real life. I mean, at least you actually have girls wanting to ask you out...

As for being happy or scared, is the girl actually desirable? You see, I'm not all too keen on the fact that she's a stalker. A couple years ago, my friend was stalked by a girl, except that girl was not exactly so good-looking and kind of a bitch. Plus, she had stalked around ten other guys beforehand, earning her a bad reputation throughout the school. And she's clingier than spandex on a fat guy. Though, since my friend was also one of those shy types like us, he said yes when she asked him out. Bad choice? Hur hur. After they broke up, she devoted the rest of her time to making his life miserable, until she dropped out of the school, and to this day, my friend pretends that that "relationship" never happened.

Wait, why did I even tell you that? You're probably freaking the hell out now. Just make sure she's a nice girl and that you actually want her, then just see how it goes.

why are kind and shy guys always the ones who don't get girls in real life??? -.-'''

yupp she pretty is. Good looking, pretty intelligent, really friendly and she is also a lil' bit freaky just like me. Plus she has no reputation at all (no bad, no good) so I guess she's been quite silent or unnoticeable till now (as I am...) and as I already said she's not one of those bitch like girls. Sometimes she's really cute, especially when she's smiling shyly (<= I don't like this word) :3
Oh... I know this kind of girls...

nah, I'm cool ^^ She seems to fit to me. My friends say the same, so I'll really just see how it goes, eh

The shy guys don't get girls because, well, they're shy. Usually it's the man's job to instigate a relationship (at least it is here in the US). You're real lucky the girl sought you out this time.

And holy shit I am fucking jealous. A lucky man you are.

in Germany it's kinda' mixed... sometimes the guys make the first step, sometimes the girls. I've got the feeling that it just depends on who likes/wants who more.

yes, indeed. Now that we get known to each other more and more the fear slowly fades away :3
The Germans have a saying I really like, "Everything will come to the waiting and patient person by itself". I acted like that if it came to girls, relationships, etc. and now I proved it right ^^

I have a semi-problematic relationship.
We both apologize too much, and we're both kinda awkward with each other.
Also, I swear too much (apparently) and make too extreme sex jokes.
I can't tell if they're really fine with it.

Why does this accord pretty much to the image I have of you? XD (sorry, not meant to be offensive or something!)
Maybe just talk to each other about it and try to find a solution or at least something like a compromise? Sometimes it really can help :3