View Profile Sanchez150894
uhm... if you have questions about me just Pm me ^^

Shin @Sanchez150894

Age 30, Male


Marburg University

behinda ya' :3

Joined on 5/16/07

Exp Points:
10,400 / 10,670
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Vote Power:
7.26 votes
Art Scouts
Sgt. Major
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No more arts from me...

Posted by Sanchez150894 - April 3rd, 2010

- - - - - [UPDATE] - - - - -

I forgot to tell ya' that I'll stop submitting all artworks of me to NG. Why? Too many trolls, too less really helpful comments, etc. Besides, lotsa' people only rate 4 or 5 because the pic contains nudity or erotic content (damn puberty horniness!). Yeah, that's right. A buddy of me and I once submitted the same picture of a pretty nude girl to the Art portal. His version had an icon cropped out of her breasts and mine had one of her face. Guess what, his version has a higher score! >:/
If you still want to see everything, just go to my Deviant Art page (link's given as website under "Contact Info"... meh, I'll just copy it here again for the lazy guys -.-)

I will still submit things here though, but only the best... So you maybe won't see any of my newer artworks for a while...

So, uh, I'll leave now... See ya' on DA. Note me there if you want ^^ Just tell me that you're from NG and I'll add ya'

- - - - - Original Post - - - - -

well... I've got nothing new or really important to post about so I'll just blatantly advertise for the Deviant Art group of my buddy XD

If you're on Deviant Art and wanna' get better known or just be in company with fellow artists to improve then join the group Below-the-Radar today! :D

Being really tired these days... not very chatty this time



It doesn't cost monies, does it?

Nope ^^ Also you can submit EVERYTHING there, no matter how crappy it is in your own eyes XD

Success! See my post!

I'll upload things when I get the chance.

ok ^^ see ya there! :3


Watch ZI on Deviant because I got IP banned there.

If she gets visited by a furry I expect you to take action.

I will! I promise. I brought her there, so it's my duty to guide her and help her there! :3

Uh... IP banned??? How did you manage to do that?

Imagine if Hitler went on Deviant and wanted to exterminate TARTlets instead of Jews, gypsies, gays, and all the rest.

That's how you get IP banned.

oh... I see. I'm sorry

I'm not sorry.

I hated Deviant and only signed up to try and ruin it.

I'm speechless now...

Did you expect anything less?

I saw the other side of Deviant. Not the "Oh hey guys, look, I made a new piece of art." "Oh that's great, here's mine." "Hmm you should change the color scheme, but otherwise awesome." "Gee, thanks!"

The side where there are furries, 9 year olds with MS Paint art, and complete imbeciles.

If I was still crusading I wouldn't have bothered your page.

OH FUAK! That's the dark side! D: DA sure has a lot of crap on it and lotsa' pre-teen wannabe artists -.-'

oh thx ^^ I see that as a compliment

Albino, I've seen it, but those little souls need guidence, not TEH RAGE. Shame.

Dave, how can you say that? I'M a wannabe artist... -_-

Oh, and HAH! I've been on NG without joining for around 10 years. I know how to grasp attention here. XD
I'm positive that it would melt these kids' faces if I uploaded my "short story". Heheh.

You're right, but problem is, THERE'S WAY TOO MANY OF THEM D:

no, we both are real and honorable artists. We put lotsa' effort in our works and they always result in at least 5 people who like them! Colors, anatomy, prespective are either right or have small problems that WE OURSELVES have already noticed.

Also I'll define MY term of "wannabe artist":

"Mostly pre-teen or teenaged people, sometimes adult ones, who try to be "artists" with really less effort, who can't even get the basic stuff right, like drawing straight, clean lines, writing proper comments or the most simple anatomy rules like there are 5 finger, 5 toes, eyes are NOT on your forehead, etc. . Also most of them try to impress others with their "superior art" which shows their characters in frontal view, without ANY perspective or ANY feeling that the shown character is not flat, their hands either hidden behind the back or like clumps/balls of meat and the feet both shown from the inner side view, in 90° from the body, what makes you impossible to stand properly or comfortably in reality. Also in most cases their "art" isn't even properly colored, which means there are lots of colorless areas, the color hasn't been applied clearly so that there are those nasty colorless spots here and there near the lines or there is color where it shouldn't be (no matter if it has been colorized traditionally or digitally).
Best example would be scraggly drawn half-stick-half-body characters on a plain white background, standing on a simple line, which's height could be the horizon.
Besides, most times you try to tell them there's something wrong somewhere, they come up with a pathetic excuse à la "No! It's intended to be so!" or "Are you daft? It IS like that!" and have no decent reasons WHY they friggin' made it like that and WHY they friggin' WON'T change it"

YES, I HATE THOSE FUCKING KIDS (and some of those adults who still draw like if they were in elemtairy school) WHO PRETEND TO BE ARTISTS >:(((

/Rage mod off

Woah... I've never been that angry on the intawebz before XD I apologize for that like freak out >_>'

Son, I heard you did something that you're going to regret.

That thing with Albino? I am already regretting it... I really freaked out -.-'
I'd like to apologize... but he most likely would rage at me

I won't rage at you if you apologize. Unless I've had no intention of being friendly with you.

Jeez. I'm not that bad. Your regret satisfies me.

Oh... okay. I thought that you'd be really mad at me ^^'
I guess I was completely wrong

You need to be more active.

ok, I'll try... kinda' tired these days though

Get some rest then. Personal health precedes all priorities.

thx for caring for me ^^ I'll do!