View Profile Sanchez150894
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Shin @Sanchez150894

Age 30, Male


Marburg University

behinda ya' :3

Joined on 5/16/07

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16 years of existence...

Posted by Sanchez150894 - August 22nd, 2010

Meh... I have to give the gas mask back tomorrow because my ma doesn't want it in our house -.- Well, luckily it's a store so that I can rebuy it whenever I've got the absolute permission from both parents ^^'
nonetheless I'm in a depressive mood right now T__T

I bought that gas mask today (23.08.2010) and the only thing I can say about it is that IT IS FRIGGIN AWESOME!!! XD It's the "Atemschutzmaske M10M" of the "Nationale Volksarmee" of the Germany after the Third Reich and before the modern Germany, called "DDR" (Deutsch Demokratische Republik, not Dance Dance Revolution!). It looks like if it was taken from a video game and it even features a small rubber pipe with which you can drink without putting the mask down! It's SO AWESOME! XD
I took a look at the details (inscriptions and imprints). They say that it has been manufactured in 1983! So it's something really antique ^^ almost a pity to use it for arisoft games...

For all you lazy guys and gals I'll just post an image of it from the Online Shop of the store I bought it at below

- - - - - [ORIGINAL POST]- - - - -

I've completed 16 whole years of existence without achieving anything really epic... (MUST... TRY... HARDER!!! D:< )

Well, at least this means that I'll be able to apply for my driver's license/permit in half a year >:D Also I now officially have the permission to buy beer and take a part time job... The first and the last points are most important for me, so I can get to some money independently of my parents now and have the full freedom of mobility on a quadbike in a year :3

Other news: School has started a long, long time ago already over here in Germany... I'm in the 11th grade now and it's even more stressing and exhausting than I've thought it could be -_-' Former classes have been split up into subject specific courses (meaning I won't have lessons together with my best buddies anymore T_T) and we also have more lessons and homework than ever before...
Another thing that makes me really nervous is, that the marks we get NOW will also be counted in at the final secondary-school examinations NEXT year... MUST... STUDY... HARDER... ugh...
The only good thing is that the tutors I've got for the last two years are pretty cool... and that's it... still haven't found any other positive things yet... meh...

Other news 2: I've really gotten into the airsoft sport as hobby :3 It's quite nice and action-filled and the best thing is that you're in the fresh air together with some of your best friends ^^
No, Airsoft is NOT about killing each other as fast and hard as possible -.- that's the worst stereotype I've ever heard about it (excepted of the rumor that murderers and homicidal maniacs once started as Airsoft players... SERIOUSLY, WTF??? -_-). In most cases we even try to avoid to pull the trigger. WE NEVER AIM FOR THE HEAD and we never bullet spam...
Well, back to the main thing: As I slowly found interest in that sport, I've gathered my equipment from various traders and now my basic combat outfit looks almost just like the modern German soldier's uniform with the original German "Flecktarn" camouflage ^^ I only spent 3,10EU for a Flecktarn hat and a Flecktarn combat field jacket. My combat boots were on sale (65EU instead of 135EU) and are manufactured by the American brand "Magnum" (I once read that they also make the official US Army Combat Boots). Now I plan to get a gasmask, a "NVA M10M" model which is still used by the czech republic as official army gasmask at now, for about 14,50EU :3 The only thing that I still would have to improve would be my Airsoft gun... (I'm using a spring action VZ-61 by Double Eagle at now... it's pretty shitty compared to the ones my friends are using...)

Other news 3: I'll have aching muscles 7 days a week now until my body gets used to it... why? I've got some fucking hardcore swimm training for about 2 hours thursdays and on saturdays and sundays I've got my advanced Kung Fu training including sword trainings... I can't really walk at now, so the best thing I can do is to sit in front of my com and to bum around -_-'

Another "Other news" thingy: I've got my first comission on DA! Yay! :D

Well, that's it for a while... I'm going to struggle through the mountain of homework and try to get the comission done now... kthxbai

16 years of existence...


In order:
Congrats! Was it your birthday recently? CAUSE I SHOULD MAKE A BIRTHDEH PRESENT ON MAH TABLETY

Well, damn. You're going to a serious school. But you're probably smarter than me, so it makes sense.

I'm apparently getting an airsoft gun for my birthday this year. At least, that's what a friend of mine said he's going to get for me. HOPEFULLY A SILVER 92FS
And I want a gas mask. Who DOESN'T want a gas mask? WHAT KIND OF SICK FUCK DO YOU HVE TO BE NOT TO WANT A GAS MASK?

I wish I was like you. Having the initiative to join and actively participate in sports.
But no. Instead I draw and game.

I'd review it, but I'm not there anymore. So LOOOOL

So yeah.

yupp ^^ but I won't tell the exact date >:3 evil, right?

nah, I don't think so. From what I've heard and seen from ya' I can asume that you're a pretty bright girl and that I'm not really smarter :3

Hooray! Then if you should ever come to Germany, tell me and I'll let ya' participate in our skirms and I could be your Germany guide or something ^^
Muahaha, just bought it today. It's fucking awesome. Even more than I've ever imagined! It really fits the face well and is really comfortable. I can even imagine someone running with that one on because you can breathe so nicely in it! One of my child dreams just came true (I always wanted to have a gasmask) :D Maybe I'll post a photo of me with it someday, but only "maybe"...
I guess an useless pacifist hippie bum douche wouldn't want to have something like a gas mask... seriously, gas masks are just plain awesome XD (I think there's even a fetish with gas masks?)

You can. I'm sure that there are lots of activities and organisations in your vicinity you could join, eh. Sports can be really helping one out by boosting the morale or your mood! Best thing is that you will get known to the others and sooner or later you'll be pretty good friends alltogether so that it'll be even more fun!
Gaming isn't so nice (at least that's my opininon lately). you sit in front of your computer only moving your fingers or hands. Your body doesn't really move at all so you'll get unhealthier if you're in front of the computer and gaming for too long. That's why a couple of friends and me decided to play Airsoft instead of FPS games :3

oh yeah... awww... XD

Oh ho, you look like a Combine soldier now.
But too bad you have to give it back. THAT'S NOT FAIR.

tehe, it looked really awesome and it kinda' just fits my equipment style...
yupp... still really depressed and sad because of it -.-

And other things now:
Regarding the Germany thing, I'm sure that'd be too weird for the both of us.

Gas mask fetish? No. Eeewww.

And there are a lot of organizations and such, but I'm too lazy and stupid to want to do anything.
Has to do volunteer work, though. FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

And I shall make something. Eventually.
Made a Chromehounds pic yesterday.

yupp... sorta'...

that's what I thought too... gas masks are awesome but a fetish is just exaggerated...

aww come on! It's good for your health and you can get known to new ppl... although sometimes the second point brings nothing but trouble...
What? Why that??? Ò_ô

that'd be nice :3
never heard of that game, but it sure looks cool!

There is someone out there who doesn't like me.
I swear.
There is someone SPECIFICALLY TARGETING ME when it comes to scouts, and I want to know who it is.

me too... it really PISSES ME OFF! I don't like to see friends of mine getting bullied! >:(
Also I want to know who the fu** stole my ability to scout other artists, worthy of being included into the art portal...

Hey, I have NO IDEA who you are. We've never actually commented on each others' pages. So yeah, who the heck are you?

Heya! :3

well, very charming to start a acquaintanceship like this, eh? XD

To leave out unnecessary details and long desriptions, I'm one of ZI's online friends and had a lot to do with her when it was about art or drawing stuff. I've tried to help and cheer her up for about 1 year now :3
uh... what can I say about myself? I live in Germany (no lies), am 16 years old, am male and I'm Asian (parents are Asian, I myself was born in Germany). Oh, and I go to the 11th grade of a secondary school (fukken stressy -.-). By the way: Sanchez isn't my name... it's just a name I liked pretty much when I was younger -.-
So, I'm pleased to meet ya'! :3

Same question goes to you now! Who are you?