View Profile Sanchez150894
uhm... if you have questions about me just Pm me ^^

Shin @Sanchez150894

Age 30, Male


Marburg University

behinda ya' :3

Joined on 5/16/07

Exp Points:
10,400 / 10,670
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.26 votes
Art Scouts
Sgt. Major
Global Rank:
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Sanchez150894's News

Posted by Sanchez150894 - February 27th, 2010

joke! But I'll be off the most time for about one and a half week!
Why? 3 Reasons:

1.) LATIN(!!!) exam on monday... gotta study hard -.-'
2.) Gotta' help my dad at his work -.-'
3.) And now the FUN part: CeBIT!!! YAY!

What? You don't know what the CeBIT is??? O_O
Well, it's the world's biggest fair for all the newest and most recent electronics like super-computers, high tech equipment, most recent video games and their consoles (there's even a whole hall only for the gamers!!! :D) and most recent mobilephones (the iPhone is ancient in comparison with some shown on the fair! XD) and all that technology stuff! AND THE BEST: IT'S IN MY HOMETOWN (Hanover)!!! I only live about 1 km away from the fairground. I'll be spending all the time I'm not in bed or at school on hte fairground having fun with my friends :D YAY! (So excited now!)
CeBIT can be counted to the 5 most awesome events in a year next to birthday, new year, christmas and the vacations! :D

Posted by Sanchez150894 - January 28th, 2010

I'm too lazy to open a whole new news post, so I'll just edit the old one >:3
Uh, as most of you can see, I'm partially relaxed again... but still school keeps throwing work and exams at me (WHEN'S THE TIME WHEN WE CAN HAVE FUN AGAIN???)
Also I've managed to recover about 10% of my deleted artworks due to (pretty coincidencial) pre-uploads on imageshack... the other 90%... well, I'll have to completely re-do them -.-''' (seriously sucks)
So... all in all I'm feeling a bit better now (at least I'm not aggressive anymore due to overworked over overtired situations) but I'm still pretty busy though -.-

Ah! and my ol' buddy Shukumei has opened a new group on Deviant Art. It's called "below-the-radar" and it's primary "objective" is to make less-known artists, WHO WORK HARD AND LONG(!), a bit more known ^^ (I didn't write that hard and long part capitalized without any reason! ONLY THE ONES TRULY WORTH BEING HELPED ARE ACCEPTED! SO GO AWAY YOU GOD DAMN "ART" SPAMMERS! >:3)

Well, yeah... I guess that's all important about the last days...


I'm really overtired and overworked since the beginning of this year. God damn school keeps spamming us with work, exams and projects, friends except me to do all the work (their only excuse is the German saying "TEAM= Toll, ein anderer macht's!", which means "TEAM= Nice, someone else does it!"), lots of paper work at home (since my parents don't speak/read/write German as well as I do, I'm the one filling in and writting most letters etc in our house -.-)...
(That's why I stayed off the intawebz for a few days by the way)
Then, all my artworks, linearts and collabs have been deleted by a friend of mine... He came to my place one day and I was foolish enough to let him alone in front of my com while I was going to the toilet. After I came back, he deleted all my images, all my music and all my videos on the harddrive...
And then several new injuries, of which one was bad enough to soak two plasters in three minutes with my blood...
I really have almost no creative as well as physical energy left... I barely manage to get up for school at 6am and then come home from school at about 4pm from there...
The only things what keep my smile on my face are my friends (including the ones here on NG like Shukumei and ZeroInsanity) and a 1/60 scaled gundam model I finished today :3
too tired to finish this pos-
*topples down*

Posted by Sanchez150894 - January 6th, 2010

meh... school's beginning tomorrow -.-
Which means, I won't have that much time left for requests, collabs and other stuff I usually do in my free time... also I won't be online that often now.
Oh god... school also means LATIN! AAAAAAAAAAARGH!!! D:
To all of you out there: If you have to choose between to eat a your poo or to learn Latin, CHOOSE YOUR POO!!! >:(
Since Latin IS shit, the only differences are the time (a few minutes instead of 4-6 years) and that you kinda' slowly die off in the Latin lessons (it seriously ANNIHILATES your morale and happiness)... -.-'
I feel lucky that I only have to bear it another half year now...

Also: I cut my hands twice while getting rid of that damn snow, I burned my right hand while lighting a new year's eve rocket (I lit it and kept the rocket in my hand... soon it dissappeared in the rain of fire emitting from the fuse. Yeah, that was stupid, and NO it isn't that bad. Otherwise I couldn't type this, could I?), cut my right hand, while cleaning my swords (damn flannel slipped away right before I pressed my thumb onto the blade's edge), left chest got injured while training (sword slips out of hand, blade cuts chest... -.-') and I got some serious muscle aches due to hard training...

Nice start of th year, isn't it? XD I'm glad I'm one of those people, who take almost everything with a smile instead of screams and anger...

Posted by Sanchez150894 - December 31st, 2009

I wish all of you a happy new year and many special and joyous moments in the new year! :D

(For special friends and wishes, see previous Christmas post!)

Posted by Sanchez150894 - December 24th, 2009

Merry Christmas and happy Holidays to all of you!

And especially to ma best NG friends, too:


Yupp, you can feel special now, if you're listed above ^^

And now a little X-Mas gag:

Merry Christmas! :3

Posted by Sanchez150894 - December 11th, 2009

There are still lots of uncompleted tasks, requests, contests and other stuff lying in wait for me to finally complete them -.- *sigh* Really giving a head-ache...
Why? Because I'm still not really used to such a (over-)filled schedule :3 But I mastered it quite nice till now ^^
In addition to that school still is "sending out" exams... wave after wave T_T Most horrible thing is that there often are multiple exams and test to be written on a god damn single day...

So all in all it may be, that my art production is slowed down noticeably. I apologize to everyone T_T

Happeh message:
Christmas holidays in two weeks! YAY!!! :D Finally freedom!
Woah... New year's eve isn't that far away now... XD

Happy Holidays and merry Christmas to all of you! :3

Posted by Sanchez150894 - December 1st, 2009

uh... I have a quick question:

Why does most of my art submitted to the art portal get a score of about 0-2, which then ascends to about 3.5-3.9 after about a week, sometimes even to over 4?
I mean, am I that bad? Or are there art portal "trollz" which only vote 0? Or is the theory of a major malfunction in the scoring system (the score gets inverted, which means if you vote 5, the system addds a 0, if you vote 4 it adds a 1, 3->2 etc.) the cause?

It's kinda really depressing T_T I now even consider to take off all my art from the art portal... I now kinda like Deviant Art more... There are just more professionals (even guys/gals from real game develoing studios have their artworks there!!! :D)

Posted by Sanchez150894 - November 16th, 2009

Yay! I finally had my first collab artwork!
This is what came out
A good buddy of me, Shukumei-the-Fox, made the lineart and sketches for it. Afterwards I colored it in Photoshop :3
It's Shukumei's Ribbon Kitsune, only that this version has some colors
Hopefully gonna' make lotsa more collabs with him! :3

and uh, I believe the art portal's scoring system is kinda messed up. People often told me that if they voted 4 or 5, the system counted the opposite of it (1 and 0)!!! If any Site Admin reads my post: THIS IS A SERIOUS DEMORALIZING AND DISCOURAGING PROBLEM THAT SHOULD BE FIXED ASAP!!!
The same was for my "Shin Davis' Inner Demon"... I first thought that I was degrading!!! O_o

Posted by Sanchez150894 - October 29th, 2009

So this is supposed to be part one, the epilogue of my planned story:


"Hey Seth! Nice day, huh?"

It's a warm afternoon in the middle of summer, 305 Anno Stella.

"Yeah. Sun's shining, people are happy and everything's fine"

After the fourth World War only a few nations were able to rebuild. Wide areas of the world were either devastated or too hostile to live there. Stricom is a village in the middle of nowhere, once a fortified outpost of the forces of the evil Lord Jedas, who tried to achieve world domination, now a peaceful home for lots of innocent civilians and war heroes.

"Too bad that that damn war almost destroyed the whole planet..."
"Well, at least we still exist..."
"Meh... I guess you're right"

Seth Krorros and Chazz Orodo, two of the five "Legendary Peacebringers" who brought the 4WW to an end and destroyed the evil forces, now live in this little village. Since the war is over, they have pretty much nothing to do.
Seth, pretty tall, spiky blonde hair, blue eyes and almost always in silence, is known as a outstanding tactician and unbeatable with his custom Gunblade. He wears a black coat, which reaches down to the ground, black boots and camo pants.
Chazz can be considered as Seth's brother. They two have been together since they were small children. Chazz is a litle bit smaller than Seth but has more muscles, brown hair and eyes, always wears his sunglasses. He really enjoys to laugh and tell jokes. His dual Demon Slayer Pistols always at his side, he can pose a really tough challenge to every enemy. A swift trickster and only hardly hitable. Wearing a Hawaiian shirt, a casual jeans and red sneakers he looks like a normal civilian on holidays.

"May I ask you a question?"
"Go on"
"Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

Seth immediately blushes and looks up to the clear blue sky.

"HA! I knew it!"
Chazz shouts and begins to laugh out loud
"Ya' know, if you ever had a girlfriend you'd be a bit more cheerful!"
"Dude, come on..."
"I mean it! I'll help ya' to find one if you want!"
Chazz smiles and looks up to the sky, too.

They both looked up the sky, lying in the wide and green grasslands around Stricom. Cows are grazing nearby and birds were singing and flying around. Everything seemed perfect and peaceful.

"So what do ya' think buddy?"

Chazz looked at Seth, awating a response but he didn't even pay any attention to Chazz anymore. Sunken in memories of his former happier times before the war broke out Seth seemed to be fallen asleep.

"Oh boy... Hey! What do you think how the others are?"
"God damn it, can't you just be quiet for a while? Sigh... I don't really know but I guess they're alright. At least they're strong enough to look after themselves."
"He he, damn right you are! I really hope that we could meet again... It was awesome fighting along their sides!"
"So could you please b-"

A loud explosion right behind them interrupted their conversation...

"Oh my GOD! What the hell was that???"

Chazz stood up and looked at Stricom's Walls, which have been blasted to several huge rocks and debris and now standing in flames. The entire village seemed to be burning and thick, black smoke ascended from the once peaceful scenery. The once clear blue sky now darkened and was blood-red filled with the black clouds of smoke.

"God damn! I thought the War's over! Why and who's attacking NOW? We have to get moving and go take a look!"

Seth jumped up to his feet, looked shortly at Chazz and nodded at him. Chazz nodded back and they began to dash towards the village to check the situation...
The fire spread out very fast and have almost reached the grasslands. The animals paniced, ran around irritated and tried to flee from the all-destroying fire, which grew with every second.


And the silhouettes of them two disappeared in the fires.


What do ya' think? :3 It features the comic chara's I made a long time ago. "Seth Krorros" is that Gunblade guy on a high rock... maybe you should take a look at this page. the first three images there show the charas that will appear in the story, the third one shows Seth

Posted by Sanchez150894 - October 19th, 2009

THX(!!!) to Kinsei01! He rescouted me (already the 2nd time after the previous news post XD... It's a complicated story). damn scouting system really sucks -.-

So...uh... I've expanded to Deviant Art! ^^ Already got lots of favorisations and 3 watchers (4 yesterday) on the third or fourth day! XD Thx to all! Here's a Link to my DA page.

Since I'm rescouted, I'll begin to scout worthy and decent (uh... wrong typing order XD) artists, so you may be the next! :3

- Shukumei-the-Fox: In Process, but paused du to heavy school activity amount -.-
- DrunkAngryRussian: sry, almost forgot yours... plz don't hit me now! T.T
- Lare: The same as I've written for Shukumei

so, I guess that was everything... ah, I wanna try my writing skillz on a story, which may be released soon on DA! :P

Have a nice day! :3
- Sanchez150894 (aka CMD. Davis)